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Akita :: Male :: Adult

Location:Newhall, CA

Additional Info:

Organization Contact Info:
Akita Angels, Inc.
P.O. Box 221353
Santa Clarita, CA 91322

Love to Learn?

If so, then Koji might be the perfect dog for you. Koji is a large, absolutely traffic-stopping dog (a great thing if you’re in a crosswalk) and very observant of things around him - he likes to watch, listen and study the people and things around him and one has to wonder what he’s thinking.

If you always thought it would be cool to have a big, smart dog and take some dog obedience classes or participate in some good, old agility training, Koji might also be the one for you. He is young and very puppyish and just as a 3 year old can benefit from an hour running and climbing at a park, Koji will appreciate the outlet until he is a little more mature. Koji is also analytical. That means that once he’s had a moment to decide that you’re cool, he might try to crawl into your lap and give you Akita kisses.

Like most Akitas, they want nothing more than to be your faithful partner in life, and for you to love and protect them forever. Can that person be you?

To learn more about this animal or our adoption process, please visit the ADOPT link at and download/complete an Application for Adoption.


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