Please ensure that every field is filled in. If not, your form won't submit successfully. You'll receive an automatic email reply if your form is submitted successfully. If you don't receive this email, please try again and ensure each field is filled in. Please note: No adoption is final until the pet is spayed or neutered and the adoption fee has been paid. A home visit needs to be completed and approved within 1 week of adoption. If the home visit is not approved, ARR reserves the right to take the pet back into our care for the pet’s safety. Thank you.
First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Home Phone*
Work Phone x
Cell Phone*
What is the name of the dog you're interested in?*
Who will be the primary caregiver for this pet?:*
Primary caregiver's age (just number, no birthdate)*
What traits are you looking for in a pet
Other desired traits? Please explain.
What activity level do you prefer the dog to have?
Other activity level preferences? Please explain.
What activities do you plan to share with your pet?*
Why are you interested in adopting a pet at this time?*
What type of pets do you currently have? (Include age, sex, and breed)*
What type of pets have you had in the past?*
What is your current veterinarian's name, city, and phone number?*
My current pets are spayed or neutered. If not, please explain.*
Are your pets current on their vaccinations?*
What happened to the ones you no longer have?*
Have you ever relinquished a pet to a shelter?* Choose one: Yes No
If yes, please explain:*
How many total people reside in your household? How many adults and how many children? Any roommates?*
Are there any children living at home or visiting frequently? If so, what are their ages? Boys or girls?*
Have you discussed this adoption with everyone in your household?
Is any household member allergic to pets?*
How many hours each day will the dog be alone, WITHOUT human company on average?
Do you own or rent your home?*
If you rent, please enter your landlord's name and phone number so we can confirm permission to have a dog.
What type of home do you live in?
Is your yard fenced? Fully or partially? How high is your fence?*
What type of fence do you have: Wood, chain link, wire, split-rail?*
How do you plan to confine the pet to your property so it can't escape?*
Do you have a dog or cat door?*
Are there stairs inside or outside your home? How many?*
Will this pet spend any time in the garage or basement or extended unsupervised time outdoors? If so, please explain.*
If the dog isn't housetrained, what method will you use to train it?*
What plans do you have for training your new dog?
Where will the pet be kept when you are home?*
Where will the pet be kept when you are away from home?*
Where will the pet sleep?*
Do you plan go out of town soon or move? If yes, do you plan to take the pet with you?*
Any major upcoming life changes? Ex: moving, marriage, kids, divorce, retirement, job change, etc.*
What is your backup plan for this pet if something unavoidable were to happen to you? *
What would you do if your dog needed emergency vet care due to an illness or injury, recognizing that emergency care costs can range between $300 - over $2,000 for one night. Would you be willing and able to get pet insurance?*
Have you applied to foster or adopt a pet before for Animal Rescue of the Rockies?*
Where did you hear about us, i.e., ARR website, Petfinder, Adopt-A-Pet, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, referred by someone, other? If other, please explain.*
IMPORTANT: Please hit Submit only once. Be sure all fields are filled in, even if the answer is N/A. A Text Box will open up stating that your application has been submitted. You will not receive an email confirmation. NOTE: Check your junk and spam folders as well as your regular inbox for a response from one of our team members from PLEASE GIVE US 48 HOURS TO REVIEW AND RESPOND TO YOUR APPLICATION - THANK YOU! *