SHARE is committed to rescuing and rehoming German Shepherd Dogs and GSD mixes in the Southeast Florida Area, particularly the counties of Broward, Miami-Dade and Palm Beach. We are limited to the numbers of dogs we can help by our monetary resources and foster homes. Please consider donating to our effort so we can help more dogs.
We understand that there are times when circumstances bring you to the position of needing to re-home your German Shepherd. We are sensitive to these situations and are here to help discuss options, including the possibility that we can take in your canine companion.
To contact us about re-homing your dog, please complete our Intake - Surrender Form below and include a photo of your dog.
First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Home Phone
Work Phone x
Cell Phone*
What is your dog's name?*
What is your dog's age?*
What is your dog's gender?* Choose one: Female intact Female spayed Male intact Male neutered
What is your dog's weight?*
Select your dog's breed:
Please explain the reason for rehoming your dog:*
Is you dog friendly with other dogs? *
Is you dog friendly with other dogs?
Please select the vaccinations your dog has had in the last 12 months: Choose all that apply: Rabies Distemper (DHPP) Bordatella (Kennel Cough) Heartworm Test On Heartworm Preventatives None of the Above
Has your dog been spayed or neutered?
Please provide any information on any medical condition or illness your dog has.*
I have read and answered each question on this Intake/Surrender Form and have provided truthful answers and consent to Vet contact for further information on this dog if needed. Submitting this form provides a signature.