Thanks for thinking about adopting through Bichon and Little Buddies Rescue. This is the pre-adoption application for cats, and is the first step towards adopting the next member of your family. Please note we are a Wisconsin based rescue, and only adopt our cats in WI and IL.
First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Home Phone
Work Phone x
Cell Phone
Alt Email
What is the best way(s) to contact you? Choose all that apply: Home Phone Cell Phone Work Phone Email
Which cat are you applying for? Choose an animal: Aadi Aaliyah Aaran - reduced fee Aaron - reduced fee Dean Domino Earl Pugz Earth Lady Eauntie Huni Kensi Newt Poppy and Prism Prism and Poppy Rex and Willie Rexie Sam Willie and Rex Winter Glow Ya Ya Yvette
How many adults live in the household?
Please list the ages of children that live in the household:
Please list the ages of children who visit the household frequently:
What work schedule to the adults in your household have?
In what type of home do you live Choose one: Single Family Duplex Apartment Townhouse Condominium Mobile Home Military Housing
Do you own or rent your home Choose one: Rent Own
If you rent, please enter your landlord's name and phone number (without correct contact information, your application will be passed over)
If you rent, have you received the approval of your landlord to have an animal Choose one: Yes No Unsure/Undecided
Does anyone that live in your household or visit frequently have allergies to pets? If so, how do you plan on addressing this issue when you bring a dog/cat into the household?
Who in the household will care for the pet
Will the pet be living predominately indoors or outdoors? Choose one: Only Indoors Only Outdoors Both Indoors and Outdoors
For cats only: Are you planning to declaw Choose one: Yes No Unsure/Undecided
What food do you intend to feed your adopted pet?
Please list information on your current pets: 1. Name 2. Species (Dog or Cat) 3. Breed 4. Age 5. Sex and if Spayed or Neutered If none - please type "none" in the box
If you have owned a dog or cat in the past 5 years that you no longer have, please list 1. Pet's Name 2. Type (Dog or Cat) 3. Breed 4. Dates owned 5. Reason you no longer have the pet If none, please type "none" in the box.
Are your current pets:
Veterinary Clinic and Phone Number for your current and past pets, without this information the application will not be processed. If you use(d) multiple vets, please list all the vet clinics that you have see for vaccinations, heartworm tests, and medical concerns. If you don't provide the proper vet and phone number your application will be passed over as we don't have time to try to figure out which vet you have gone to. (If you haven't used a vet, type none)
How long has it been since you have seen this vet with any of your pets?
Please list the name your pet's vet records are under.
Please contact your veterinary clinic and give them permission to share your past and present medical records with Bichon and Little Buddies Rescue. If permission isn't given, we can not process the application and adoption will be denied. Have you given your vet permission?
If you are approved and a match is made, when are you looking to adopt and take your new pet into your home? If you are looking to adopt more than 1 month from now, we will keep your application on file, but won't approve it until you are ready for a new pet. Choose one: immediately within the month next month in 2-3 months more than 3 months from now
Why are you interested in adopting a pet at this time
What sex of dog/cat would you adopt? Choose one: Male only Female only Male or Female
What age of dog/cat would you adopt? Please list youngest to oldest age.
If the dog/cat you expressed interest in is no longer available or not a good match would you be interested in meeting other dogs/cats? Choose one: Yes No Unsure
Is there any additional information you would like to provide?
Personal Reference: Please list the (1)name, (2)phone number, and (3)relationship of someone NOT related to you that can provide a reference for you regarding pet ownership. This needs to be a neighbor, co-worker, friend, dog trainer, dog groomer, etc that is NOT a relative. Without this information, your application will not be processed and will be denied.*
In the future if you are unable or unwilling to care for the dog/cat you adopt, will you be willing to return it to Bichon and Little Buddies? Choose one: Yes No Unsure
By typing your name in the box below you are agreeing to the following statement: I am at least 18 years old. I understand that any false information or any misrepresentation can result in not being approved to adopt from Bichon and Little Buddies Rescue. I give representives from this rescue permission to verify any information I have provided on this application. *
A representative from Bichon and Little Buddies will contact you when your pre-adoption application is approved. This will enable you to set up an appointment to meet the dog(s) you are interested in, either at our facility or at the dog's foster home. Final adoption approval is based on this meeting as well as a possible home visit. We do this to try to ensure the best possible match between the adopters and the dogs.
Note: If you do not see a success message after submitting your form, please scroll to the top of the page to check for any error messages about your application. The application hasn't been submitted if you don't get a success message and an automated email after clicking on submit.
Thanks for considering adoption!