First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Home Phone*
Work Phone* x
Cell Phone*
Text/Pager Email*
What Type of working cat are you applying for? __Semi-Sweet Mousers – working cats who are familiar with people and may tolerate petting or other interactions. Usually not fond of being picked up and will most likely remain out of arms reach. They will take their jobs seriously and work hard! Small gestures of appreciation are always welcomed and keep the Semi-Sweet Mousers devoted. ___ Nocturnal Warriors – hunt from the cover of night! They are not accustomed to humans, but will work hard at their jobs. *
Are you willing to provide annual vet care, or at least boosters for rabies and distemper vaccinations? Yes____ No____
How many cats are you interested in adopting? (we recommend TWO be placed at the same location at the same time) *
Describe the property (barn, warehouse or other space) where the cats will live.*
Do you need to borrow supplies such as a large cage/pen for the initial confinement while the cats adjust to the new location, or food/water dishes, shelter box, other?*