We need foster parents to love and care for the animals rescued from shelters until they are adopted. The duration of foster care can range from a couple of days to several weeks or more for pets with special needs. Each additional foster volunteer allows LGAR to save one more companion pet and help it to find a loving forever home.
For families considering adoption but not yet sure, fostering provides an opportunity to try out the new addition before making a long-term adoption commitment.
Please provide detailed information for ALL questions. Incomplete applications will not be processed.
Please note: We reserve the right to refuse foster to anyone. Please be advised that we will not approve foster applications to persons who mislead or fail to provide accurate information on this application.
First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Home Phone*
Work Phone x
Cell Phone*
Alt Email
Type of Pet*
Name of Animal* Choose an animal: Any Kitten Any Large Breed Dog Aurora Ava Beau Bo Bonnie Buddy Buttercup Duke Edward Gray Leo Luke (FL) Luna Molly Nova Phoebe Sasha Sherlock Tyson Watson
Name of Animal:
Animal ID # (if known):
(If applicable) Shelter:
How did you hear about Looking Glass Animal Rescue?*
Are you 25 or older? (Note: You must be 25 years of age or older to foster)*
Are you currently?
If other, please explain:
If employed, name of employer:
Job title / line of work:
Work Address
City, State, Zip:
Work Phone:
Emergency Contact Name*
Emergency Contact Phone Number*
Please list the Names, Ages and Relationship to you of any other people that reside with you:
Name / Age:
Please list any pets currently living in your home:
Altered? (i.e., spayed / neutered)
Time Owned
Please list any Previous Pets you may have had:
Time Owned:
What Happened:
Do you own or rent your home?*
Is your home a*
If you rent, do you have permission from your landlord/manager to have a pet?
Required: Name and phone of landlord:
Do you have a yard?*
Do you have a fence?*
If yes, what type and how high?
Who will be primarily responsible for the care of the pet?*
How old:*
We require our fosters to bring their foster pets to approved vet practices that provide a rescue discount. Are you willing to take your foster pet to an approved LGAR vet or allow us to work with your vet for a rescue discount?*
How would you describe your level of experience with dogs? Check all that apply:
If previous foster/rescue experience, please describe:
Do you have experience with:
List experience with specific breeds:
What types of dogs are you interested in fostering? Check all that apply:
What situations do you feel unprepared for? Check all that apply:
When inside, how do you plan to keep your pet? Check all that apply
When outside, how do you plan to keep your pet? Check all that apply:
Where will your pet be kept during the day?*
At night?*
What influenced your thought to foster?*
Why have you chosen to foster through LGAR?*
LGAR requires home visits of potential adopters. Would you be willing to conduct home visits of the applicants?*
Please list three personal references (only one can be a family member) and one veterinarian reference:
Full Name:*
I certify that all of this information is true and correct.*