Open Sands Kitty Rescue (OSKR) was founded with the primary mission to address the overpopulation of cats in Panama City Beach. As such, the majority of our focus is TNR (Trap, Neuter and Spay, Return) of feral and stray cats. We coordinate with other residents and share our knowledge and supplies so that others can join the cause.
Thank you for your interest in TNR. It is the only proven, humane and effective response to the overpopulation of feral cats.
Please complete the application and we will respond.
First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Cell Phone*
Address for the location of cats (if different from applicant's)
Approximate Number of Adult Cats*
Approximate Number of Kittens*
General Health of Cats*
I can pick up/hold the cats I wish to TNR Choose all that apply: Yes No
I currently regularly feed the cats I wish to TNR * Choose one: Yes No
I feed the cats I wish to TNR (select all that apply) Choose all that apply: Morning Afternoon/Evening Inconsistently
When the cats come to feed (select all that apply) Choose all that apply: They eat in my presence They don't eat until I leave They eat together in groups Trickle in one or two at a time
I am willing to trap train the feral cats. This involves placing food inside (more and more each day) the trap for a week or two before trapping* Choose one: Yes No
I am willing to provide the food for this process* Choose one: Yes No
I am willing to be trained in trapping and complete the trapping myself. Typically this is an evening/night activity on a Sunday or Monday. All required gear can be borrowed. * Choose one: Yes No
If no, please explain the inability to do so (such as physical limitations, schedule conflicts, etc)
I am willing to transport the cat(s) to Operation Spay Bay in the morning with a drop off time between 8-8:30 am on Monday or Tuesday mornings. * Choose one: Yes No
If no, please explain the inability to do so (such as deficient transportation, physical limitations, schedule conflicts, etc.)
I am willing to pay for the TNR package ($50/cat) or the cat(s) are located in PCB and are eligible for voucher coverage. OSKR can assist with incidental but necessary expenses such as medications.* Choose one: Yes No
If no, please explain the inability to do so (financial hardship, etc.)
I am willing to pick up the cat(s) at Operation Spay Bay in the afternoons. Pick up is typically same day, between 3:30-4:30 pm. * Choose one: Yes No
I am willing to care for the cat as prescribed by the veterinarian. This involves keeping the cat caged at my home, in a temperature controlled environment such as a spare bedroom, bathroom, garage, shed, covered porch for upwards of 10 days, but typically 1-3 days. Cats will need food, water, litter sifting, and occasionally medications. All gear can be borrowed from OSKR. * Choose one: Yes No
If no, please explain the inability to do so (lack of space, allergies, lease prohibitions, etc.)
I am willing to have the cats released (either by myself or rescue volunteers) in the precise location of trapping and understand that relocating the cat is not an option, unless the rescue determines that the cat is adoptable and intake is open.* Choose one: Yes No
I understand that any of the activities above where I have indicated “yes” incur the risk of injury or disease and I agree to hold OSKR harmless of all liability.* Choose one: Yes No