By submitting this form, you are agreeing to the following:
I/we understand that all animals are TEMPORARILY fostered for Underdogs Rock! Rescue and are the property of Underdogs Rock! Rescue.
I agree to keep all foster animals under my control at all times while I am fostering keeping dogs on leash at all times when outside unless supervised in a secure fenced backyard.
I will relinquish any foster dog to Underdogs Rock! Rescue upon their request.
If you or your acquaintances should become interested in adopting a foster pet an adoption application will be furnished upon request.
Underdogs Rock! Rescue is not responsible for damage or injury to any person, animal, or possession caused by a foster dog.
By signing below, you verify that you have read and agree to all terms as stated above.
I/we attest that the information provided on this form is true and accurate to the best of my/our knowledge.
I/we understand that animals can be unpredictable and that Underdogs Rock! Rescue cannot anticipate or insure against unexpected conduct of animals being fostered for Underdog Railroad Rescue. I acknowledge that Underdogs Rock! Rescue had not made through its agents, volunteers or employees any warranties regarding the future condition, temperament or conduct of the animal. I hereby accept the animal as is, assume all risks and responsibilities associated with care of the animal, including bites and hereby fully and completely release, indemnify, and hold harmless Underdogs Rock! Rescue, its directors, officers, volunteers, agents, servants and employees from any claim, cause of action, or liability of any sort or nature, whether know or unknown, directly arising out of or in connection with the fostering, care, maintenance, retention, temperament, conduct or condition of the animal.
First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Home Phone*
Cell Phone*
Co-Applicant Name*
Applicant's Employer, occupation, and how long:*
Applicant's Work Phone Number:
# of Adults in Household* Choose one: 1 2 3 4 5 6
Ages of Adults in home:*
Ages of children in the household or N/A if there are no children:*
Are there kids that visit your home (grandkids, neighbors, ect.):*
Besides your immediate family are others residing in your home (extended family, friends, roommates, tenants)?* Choose one: Yes No
Name(s), ages(s), and relationship(s) of other resident(s):
Does anyone in your family have allergies to dogs?* Choose one: Yes No Possibly
In what type of home do you live* Choose one: Single Family Duplex Apartment Townhouse Condominium Mobile Home Military Housing
Do you own or rent your home* Choose one: Rent Own
If you rent, have you received the approval of your landlord to have an animal and if applicable paid any required pet deposit* Choose one: Yes No N/A
If you rent, please enter your landlord's name and phone number*
Is your yard fenced* Choose one: No Yard Unfenced Yard Yard Partially Fenced Yard Completely Fenced
If you have a yard, what size of yard do you have (please put N/A if you have no yard)?*
If you do not have a fully fenced yard or no yard, how will the dog relieve itself (please put N/A if you have a fully fenced yard)*
Please list any current household pets, and note their species, age, size, and breed (if no pet please put N/A):*
Are your current pets (cats & dogs) Spayed/Neutered (please select N/A if not applicable)?* Choose one: Yes No N/A
Are your current pets (cats and dogs) current on vaccinations (please select N/A if not applicable)?* Choose one: Yes No N/A
If you currently have pets how do think they will react to a new pet in the house?
If you currently have pet(s) in the house, how will you handle a conflict should it arise?
How long are you willing to foster a particular dog?
What dog ages are you willing to foster (please select all that apply):
What size of dog (please select all that apply):
Are you willing to consider fostering a Special Needs Medical dog?* Choose one: Yes No Possibly
Are you willing to consider fostering a Special Needs Behavioral dog?* Choose one: Yes No Possibly
Any additional Comments on type of dog(s) you are or are not willing to foster:
Please describe where the dog will sleep at night:*
How long will the dog be left alone (without humans) on a typical day. If a dog is going to be left alone for more than 4 consecutive hours at a time what is the plan for making sure the dog gets an outside break, exercised, and checked on.
Please describe where the dog will stay when you are not home:
Are you familiar with the use of a crate to train the dog during your absence or at night? Choose one: Yes No Willing to Learn
How many hours per day do you plan to crate your foster?*
Are you familiar with house training dogs?* Choose one: Yes No Willing to Learn
Are you willing to take time to work with a foster dog on house breaking issues should the need arise?*
Are you willing to transport your foster to Vet appointments (if any are needed)?* Choose one: Yes No
Note: We cover medical expenses for all foster animals. However, our vet care is discounted through particular vets and therefore they are the only clinics we currently use for routine care. With the obvious exception of a life threatening emergency, if you should decide to take your foster dog to a different vet for convenience or any of other reason, we will not be able to cover the cost of the vet visit. Thank you for your understanding.
Are you willing to meet potential adopters at either their home or yours?* Choose one: Yes No
Underdog Railroad Rescue requires an inspection of your home as part of the foster approval process. Are you willing to agree to a home visit from a Underdog Railroad Volunteer?* Choose one: Yes No
Have you ever fostered for another rescue organization(s)?* Choose one: Yes No
Are you applying to foster only, or to foster with the possibility of eventually adopting a dog?* Choose one: Foster Only Foster with possibility of eventually adopting
Is there any additional information you would like for us to know:
What date would you be AVAILABLE to start fostering. AND, Is there any period of time within the next 3 months that you would be UNAVAILABLE to foster?*