First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Home Phone*
Cell Phone
Are you over 18 years old?*
Why are you interested in adopting a pet at this time?*
What is the name of the animal are you interested in adopting?* Choose an animal: A Cat not listed CXXXX A Dog not listed DXXXX Abe C4542 Bean Sprout C4527 Beast C4544 Buddy D5835 Ceyenne D5966 Chaya D5973 Cleo C4389 Cormoran C4409 Dallas D5959 Elsie D5813 Fallon D5629 Flex D5993 Forest C4497 Frank D6000 Ginger D5967 Hannah C4539 - ADOPTION BEING FINALIZED Hashbrown C4525 Hazel C4546 Jagger D5198 Janet C4425 Jean Grey C4556 Jet D5988 Kie D5916 Magnus C4545 Miss Grits C4528 Moira C4390 Mystique C4555 Peppercorn C4529 Quince D5921 Sloane C4510 Sugar D5485 Sushi C4543 - ADOPTION BEING FINALIZED Tootsie D5863 Veronica D6001 Vincent C4547 & Boogie C4548 (Bonded) Winnie C4523 - ADOPTION BEING FINALIZED Wolverine C4557
If you are interested in an animal that is not yet listed for adoption above, please provide the name of the animal.
How did you find out about this animal?
Veterinarian's name and phone number. Please note, we will be calling to verify the vetting status of your resident animals. Many vets require verbal authorization from you to release information to us so please be sure to do that do avoid any delay in processing your application.*
Type of home?* Choose one: Single Family Duplex Apartment Townhouse Condominium Mobile Home Military Housing
Do you own or rent your home? Only check "own" if you are the owner. * Choose one: Rent Own
If you rent, have you received the approval of your landlord to have an animal (Yes/No)? Please also enter your landlord's name and phone number.
What type of yard is on the property?* Choose one: No Yard Unfenced Yard Partially Fenced Yard Completely Fenced Yard
How many people reside in your household? Please list ages of children.*
Will the animal be kept inside or outside?* Choose one: Inside Only Outside Only Inside and Outside
Would you be able to tolerate potty training accidents in your home?
What solutions would you use if accidents continue after a few weeks?
Where will the animal sleep?*
Where will the animal be kept during the day?* Choose one: Home, free roam Home, limited roam Kennel Garage Offsite
Who will be the primary caregiver for general care and feeding?*
What traits are you looking for in a pet?
What traits would you not tolerate in a dog?
What role(s) would you like your new dog to play in your home?
How do you plan to handle undesirable behavior such as chewing, accidents in the house, scratching furniture, excessive crying, or getting onto countertops?*
Wags & Whiskers strongly encourages dog owners seek professional obedience training, are you willing to take the new dog to obedience classes?*
How do you plan to provide daily exercise for this dog?
How much time will the animal spend alone during the day?* Choose one: 0-4 hrs 5-6 hrs 7-8 hrs 9-10 hrs 11-12 hrs
Please provide current # of animals in the household.* Choose one: none 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+
Please list the current animals in your home.*
Please list any additional animals you have cared for in the past five years.
Are all the animals currently in the household up-to-date on vaccines and spayed/neutered? Wags & Whiskers does verify this with your current vet. If you are unsure, please confirm with your vet and obtain copies of vetting records before completing this application. You are not eligible for adoption if your resident pets do not have the vaccines required by law or are not spayed/neutered. * Choose one: Yes, both vaccinations and spay/neuter Yes, vaccinations only Yes, spay/neuter only No, both vaccinations and spay/neuter N/A, no animals currently in home
To confirm vetting of current animals in household, please indicate the name the account is under at your current vet.*
Please visit the "ADOPTION" section at to familiarize yourself with our adoption procedures and fees.
Pit Bull Applicants Only: If applying for a Pit Bull, please check the below box indicating that you have verified your home owner's insurance will allow for this adoption. If renting, please check the box below indicating that your landlord allows Pit Bulls in your rental property.
Other information you wish to provide:
Would you like your email address to be added to the monthly Wags & Whiskers newsletter? This is an easy and fun way to stay current with Wags & Whiskers news and events.* Choose one: Yes, add my email to newsletter mailing list! No thanks!
By typing my name below, I certify the information provided within this application is true and correct. I understand by completing this application, it is not a guarantee or promise of approval. I understand if I have given any false information or I have not completely answered all of the questions, my application will automatically be denied. I give permission to Wags & Whiskers Animal Rescue of Minnesota to contact my veterinarian, landlord, or any other persons to verify my disclosed information within this application.*
Today's Date: *