First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Home Phone*
Work Phone x
Cell Phone*
Alt Email
What is your place of employment and job title?*
What is your date of birth?*
Emergency contact name, phone number, and relationship to you:*
How did you find out about Central Virginia Regional Rescue?*
Have you ever volunteered with an animal rescue or shelter?*
What experience do you have with animals?*
Please indicate below the areas that you would be interested in volunteering
Please explain any skills or experience that might be beneficial to us other than experience with your own pets. These skills may relate to your job, education and hobbies such as computer skills, event planning, fence building, etc.
I acknowledge that CVRR may contact me by email, phone call, and/or SMS.*
In consideration of this opportunity to volunteer for Central Virginia Regional Rescue, I agree to the following terms and conditions:
1. I will abide by the mission, rules, regulations, policies and programs of CVRR while I am a volunteer.
2. I agree to be supervised by a CVRR Manager or designee and will work as a team member with all volunteers.
3. I will treat all animals, other volunteers, and the general public with dignity and respect.
4. If I will be sheltering or providing foster care or boarding for any of the CVRR animals in my home, I consent to a CVRR representative visiting my home from time to time to observe the animals and their living quarters.
5. I have accurately and truthfully completed this Volunteer Application and Agreement.
6. I understand that all CVRR Volunteers must be at least 18 years of age or supervised by a parent/guardian.
I have read and understand the terms listed above.