First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Home Phone*
Work Phone x
Cell Phone
Alt Email
What is your age?*
Please provide 3 character references and phone numbers (non-family members) and please let them know we may be contacting them.:
Please provide the name and phone number of your current and/or previous veterinarian or clinic to contact for a reference (please call you veterinarian and let them know we will be calling): *
Do you live in a* Choose one: House Condo Mobile home Apartment Other
Do you own or rent?* Choose one: Rent Own
If rent, provide name and phone number of landlord to obtain permission for this animal to live in your home:
List any pets you own or have owned in the past five years, their species, and their ages. If this is your first pet, please note below.*
If you have cats, have they been tested for Feline Leukemia and Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) If so, what were the results?*
Please list all people living in your household, including yourself and any children. List everyone's names and ages.*
If there are any children in the household, have they previously interacted with animals? Choose one: Yes No
Does anyone in your home have allergies to animals or have asthma? * Choose one: Yes No Not sure
Have you adopted from an animal welfare group before?* Choose one: Yes No
If yes, what group?
Are you willing to have a representative from Kizzy's Place come to see where the pet will be living* Choose one: Yes No
I am interested in fostering (choose all that apply): Choose all that apply: Adult cats Special needs cats Bottle babies Young weaned kittens (4-8 weeks old) Older kittens (over 8 weeks old) Kittens than need additional socialization
I intend to make every effort to keep my foster animals until they are adopted or placed at offsite adoption center. I understand that if my circumstances change I will remain responsible for my foster animals until alternative placement is found* Choose one: Yes No
I will treat my foster animals with kindness, provide them with age-appropriate food, will give them access to clean water and clean litterboxes at all times, and will not use aversive training methods with them. I will take them to veterinary appointments promptly.* Choose one: Yes No
Are you willing to take your foster animals to adoption events? Choose one: Yes No
Do you own a car or otherwise have access to reliable transportation in order to take your foster animals to veterinary appointments and adoption events?* Choose one: Yes No