Thank you for your interest in our smelly cats! A few things to note before applying:
Please email us at if you have questions! Thanks for your application - We can't wait to find you a FURever friend!
First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Home Phone
Cell Phone*
What is your preferred contact method?* Choose one: Email Call (Day) Call (Evening) Text
Your Instagram handle
Your Faceboook link
Are you allowed to have pets on your property?* Choose one: Yes, I own a home Yes, I rent but am allowed pets No
If you rent, has your landlord been informed of your intent to adopt the cat/kitten(s)?* Choose one: Yes No N/A
Which cat/kitten(s) are you applying for? If you don't have a specific one in mind, please let us know if you are looking for a kitten, adult, senior or no preference. Please remember kittens must be adopted in pairs if you don't already have a young cat at home!*
Please list all current pets in your household, including breeds and ages. (or N/A if there are no other pets in your home)*
Who is your current veterinarian? Name/clinic and phone number. If you do not have a current vet, who do you plan to use? *
Is the address provided above where the cat/kitten(s) will be living?* Choose one: Yes No
If the cat/kitten(s) will not live at the above address, please provide the address where the they will live.
On a typical day, how many hours will the cat/kitten(s) be alone?*
Please give the ages of everyone who lives in your household (including yourself)*
Does everyone in the household agree and consent to adopting the cat/kitten(s)?* Choose one: Yes No
Are you prepared for a slow introduction to your home and any resident pets?*
What could cause you to relinquish your cat? e.g. Litter box issues, behavioral issues, health problems, excessive noise/meowing, moving, life/family changes, etc.*
Please tell us about your past pets: how long they lived with you, etc. (or write N/A if you haven't had a pet before).*
What is your timeline for bringing home your new cat/kitten?* Choose one: ASAP 1-3 weeks 1-2 months Over 2 months No timeline
Will you declaw this cat if adopted?* Choose one: Yes No
Is there anything else you'd like us to know about you as a pet owner?*
How did you hear about us?
Please read these carefully! By submitting this application you are agreeing to abide by the following Smelly Cat Adoption Terms:
I agree to these terms