First Name*
Last Name*
Cell Phone*
Canine's Name:* Choose an animal: ***Scout Duncan - Adopted Byron Germscheid Dunkin - trial adoption Jess Fletcher Finn - Adopted by Shannon McCray Judy - Fagin's Haven Lady Ladybird - Adopted Michele Erdman Liza Jane - Adopted - Julie Mann? Roger - Adopted Taylor Graves Woodstock-VIDEO (must be adopted with Snoopy)
Any special needs?* Choose one: None On-going medication Special diet required Amputation Blind Hearing Impaired Has Allergies Drools excessively
Housetrained:* Choose one: yes no unknown
Reason not housetrained: Choose one: Still a puppy Lived only outside Ill/sick Special needs In progress (going well) In progress (doing poor)
Does this dog require a yard?* Choose one: yes no
Reaction to new people:* Choose one: Cautious Friendly Protective Aggressive
Activity level: * Choose one: Not active Slightly active Moderately active Highly active
Energy level:* Choose one: Low Moderate High
Exercise needs: Choose one: Not required Low Moderate High
Obedience training:* Choose one: Needs Training Has basic training Well trained
Likes to vocalize: * Choose one: Quiet Some Lots
Ok with cats:* Choose one: yes no unknown
Ok with dogs:
Ok with kids:* Choose one: All Older only No Unknown
Good with adults: * Choose one: All Men only Women only Unknown
Good for senior/elderly: * Choose one: yes no
Good with farm animals: Choose one: yes no unknown
Needs companion animal: Choose one: yes no
Apartment Appropriate: Choose one: yes no
Hypoallergenic: Choose one: yes no
Cold Sensitive: Choose one: yes no
Heat Sensitive: Choose one: yes no
Personality and behavior qualities: (check all that apply):
Additional Comments:
*** By submitting this form you acknowledge and agree that CCF is the sole and legal owner of this canine(s).