First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Home Phone*
Cell Phone
Name of dog you are interested in (if more than one, please select first choice and list any others in the comment box at the end of the form): Choose an animal: Anna *LONGEST TONGUE AWARD goes to ANNA* Dahlia Daphne Dixie Dutchess Lelu *TRANSPORTATION AVAILABLE* Loki *DNA Tested*TRANSPORTATION AVAILABLE* Marge Marty Mojo Popeye Taz Twila *SWEETEST GIRL*TRANSPRTATION AVAILABLE*
Primary Adopter Employer*
Primary Adopter's Work Phone
Secondary Adopter's First Name
Secondary Adopter's Last Name
Secondary Adopter Phone
Secondary Adopter's Email
Name of friend we can contact if your dog is found and you cannot be reached*
Phone Number*
How many adults reside in your home?*
How many children reside in your home?*
What are the ages of the children?
Do you:*
If "Other", please explain
If "Rent", please provide the name of your rental office or landlord
If "Rent", please provide the phone number for your rental office or landlord
If "Live with parents", please provide a parent's name
If "Live with parents", please provide a parent's phone number
Type of housing*
How will you contain this dog when it is outside?
How many hours a day will the dog be left alone?*
Please list dogs you've owned in the past five years, starting with current or most recent:
Dog Number 1
Up to date on shots?
What happened to this animal?
Dog Number 2
Dog Number 3
Name of your veterinarian
Please provide the name of any trainers you have worked with.
If you have ever had to surrender a dog to a friend, shelter, or pound, please explain why*
What behaviors in a dog would you find unacceptable (such that you would want to return the dog)?*
If you don't have one of our specific dogs in mind, please describe the type of dog you are looking for
Additional comments, questions, or concerns
Please hit the Submit button below ONCE ONLY. Wait for the next page to load, and if it appears to be blank, scroll all the way to the top and bottom and look for a message that says your form has been submitted. If you receive an error message you can re-submit after fixing the errors, otherwise you can email if to confirm your application was received. Note this form may not submit properly on a phone or tablet, so use a computer if possible.