First Name*
Last Name*
Phone number*
Zip code*
Are you 18 or older?*
Housing Status*
Housing Type*
Is there anything else we should know about your housing situation?
How long have you lived at your current address? (In years)*
If you rent, do you have landlord permission for a rabbit?*
Do you have (or can you get) a letter of permission from your landlord to verify?*
How many people, including yourself, live in your household?*
Please list the name and relationship to yourself of each person currently living in your household, including yourself and the ages of anyone under 21. Example: Sally, spouse, over 21.Paul, son 12, Mary, roommate 18. *
Is anyone in your household allergic to hay, dust, or animals?*
If Yes, please elaborate*
Does everyone agree to a rabbit coming into the household?*
I am looking to (Check all that apply)
I would like to bond my current rabbit (i.e. bring them to Bunny Lu to find them a friend)*
Has your rabbit been vaccinated for RHDV2 within the last year?*
How long do you expect to have your new rabbit? NOTE: With good care rabbits can live 10+ years *
My (adopted or foster) rabbit will live indoors NOTE: Bunny Lu adopts/fosters to indoor homes only.We’re happy to discuss why this is best for the health and longevity of the rabbit and provide guidance to set up an appropriate indoor space. *
If no, please elaborate
I’m open to: (Check all that apply)
Will this be your first rabbit? NOTE: If you are new to companion rabbits and this will be your first that’s great, we’re happy to teach you what you need to know. *
In preparation for fostering or adopting, what are at least 3 important things you've learned or know about companion rabbits?*
Have you had prior contact with Bunny Lu?
If yes, please click all that apply.
Please enter information concerning your prior contact with Bunny Lu
Do you have any rabbits currently living with you? *
If yes: Are they spayed/neutered?*
Please list rabbit age, sex, where you obtained the rabbit, and describe their living and exercise/play areas
Have you ever given up a rabbit to a shelter, rescue, another person or home?*
If yes, please describe the circumstances of giving the rabbit up. And/or share any other rabbit experience you have had (If the rabbit is no longer living please list any medical issues they experienced, cause of death, and age.)
If you have other companion animals, please list them (Please include species/type and breed):
Name of current veterinarian, if any:
May we contact this vet as a reference?
How did you hear about Bunny Lu?
Please elaborate on the above if veterinarian referral, other shelter or rescue, or other:
Why do you want a rabbit as a companion? (Also, please describe your idea of what it's like to live with a companion rabbit.) *
Who is the rabbit for?*
Who will be the primary caretaker? (Must be an adult)*
How many hours a day will you spend with your rabbit?*
Who will have financial responsibility for the rabbit? Note: Estimates for one rabbit: adoption fee and living area set up $300 - $400, food/supplies plus one yearly wellness vet visit $600 - $800 per year, vet care for almost any health issue $500 - $1000+.) *
Under what circumstances would you give up a rabbit?
Please describe other reason you would give up a rabbit)
In order to adopt you will need to provide photos or video of the rabbit set-up.This includes their living area and other areas they will have access to. Do you agree?*
Is there anything else you’d like to tell us to help determine which of our rabbits is right for you and your family?