First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code -
Home Phone
Cell Phone
Alt Email
Are you interested in rehoming your pet or receiving assistance with behavioral issues with your pet?* Choose one: Re-homing assistance Behavioral assistance
Why have you decided to re-home your pet(s) or reach out for behavioral assistance for your pet? Provide as much info as possible on any behavior and medical issues that have led to your decision.*
FOR RE-HOMING REQUESTS ONLY If there is a deadline for finding a new home for your pet, please note it below. Enter "N/A" if there is no deadline. Note: this does not guarantee we will be able to help re-home your pet by the deadline, but rather gives us an idea of the timeframe we are working with.
Provide the name of your vet, phone number, email address, physical address. *
Pet Name*
Species* Choose one: Dog Cat Other
Is your pet current on its rabies vaccination?*
Is your pet good with dogs?* Choose one: Yes No Unknown
Please elaborate:*
Is your pet good with cats* Choose one: Yes No Unknown
Is your pet good with kids?* Choose one: Yes No Unknown
Please elaborate
Is your pet good with all adults or just some (only men, only women, etc.)?*
What behavioral issues is your pet exhibiting? Please provide details, including information on biting, nipping, jumping, peeing, chewing, barking, growling, pulling, lunging, and snapping. Note: If you're looking to re-home your pet and it has no behavioral issues, please note "N/A". *
Does your pet have medical issues? Please provide details.*
Please provide as much information as you can on your pet for us to use in creating a biography for him/her when we post him/her on our website. Include things like its likes, dislikes, favorite foods, toys, activity level, if it likes to snuggle, if it needs lots of exercise, etc. Give potential adopters an idea of its overall personality.*
Where did you get your pet (i.e., a breeder, rescue (which one?), shelter (which one?), friend/family member, etc.)?*
Species Choose one: Dog Cat Other
Is your pet good with cats?* Choose one: Yes No Unknown
Is your pet good with kids? *
Does your pet have any behavioral issues? Please provide details.*
Where did you get your pet (i.e., breeder, rescue, shelter, friend/family member, etc)?*
(For rescues only) Please provide any relevant info on why this animal is in need of a foster/adopter and its current situation, when it needs to be placed, etc. Email all vet records for the animal and any other useful info to