We are sorry to hear that a kitty needs to be rehomed, but understand that sometimes the situation just isn't right.
Please complete the form in it's entirety and be as detailed as possible as this will help us to find the right situation for your cat.
First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Home Phone*
Cell Phone*
Alt Email
Cats Name*
Are you the cats legal owner and are you able to legally make decisions for this animal?*
Cats Gender*
Cats Date of Birth (if known) and/or Age*
What is the cats breed?*
What is the cats color, pattern and/or markings*
Is the cat altered [spay or neutered]?*
Is the cat microchipped?*
If yes, what is the chip number (if known) and where is the microchip registered?
Is the cat up to date on vaccinations?*
Can you provide documentation of vaccination and veterinary history for the cat?*
If no, please explain why you are unable to provide veterinary history details.
How long have you had the cat?*
Where did you acquire the cat?*
Why are you relinquishing your cat to our rescue?*
Is your cat presently ill, injured, on any special diets or have any chronic conditions?*
If yes, please provide details of any conditions your cat has been diagnosed with.
Is the cat currently under the care of a veterinarian?*
Please provide the veterinarians contact information
Do you currently have other pets in the household? Please include type, age and details on the animal.*
What type of food is the cat presently eating? Please include brands, flavors and/or types of food.*
Cat is:*
Is the cat declawed?*
Is the cat litterbox trained?*
Does the cat have a history of inappropriate urination (spraying or marking) or defecating outside the litterbox?*
If yes, please provide details on the behaviors and how long it has been occurring. Include details on any measures you have taken to correct the behavior
Does the cat have a history of biting or aggressive behavior towards people?*
If yes, please provide details on when and any circumstances surrounding the incidents. Include information on any measures you have taken to try to correct the behavior
Does the cat have and use a sharpening post?*
What type of sharpening post does the cat use? Choose all that apply: Lateral Sharpening Vertical Sharpening Wood Post Sisal Post Carboard Post Carpeted Post Does not use
Does the cat have a history of being destructive in the house?*
How does the cat react to new people / visitors to the house?*
How does the cat react towards young children / toddlers?*
How does the cat react to older children?*
How does the cat react to other male cats?*
How does the cat react to other female cats?*
How does the cat react to small dogs (less than 20 pounds)?*
How does the cat react to larger dogs?*
If you have information on any personality traits, specific likes/dislikes in food, toys, sleeping please provide it here.
I acknowledge that the cat I am relinquishing is the sole property of myself and is not owned or co-owned by any other parties
I certify that the information I have provided is truthful and complete to the best of my knowledge
I understand that by signing this document (electronically or otherwise) I am legally relinquishing all rights to the cat and have no further say in the care or rehoming of the cat.
I acknowledge that I have explored all other options, including training and behavior modification, prior to deciding to relinquish the cat.
I acknowledge the emotional and physical toll that rehoming a cat can take, and am certain that this is the best option for the well-being of the cat.
I would like to make the following donation to the rescue to offset the cost related to rehoming the cat.
I understand, promise and agree to hold Twice Purrfect Feline Rescue and it's volunteers harmless from any and all actions, duties and claims resulting from my relinquishment of the cat resulting from action or omission of information. By typing your full name below, you acknowledge that all information is correct to the best of your knowledge and that you meet the requirements stated in this document.*
If you have been consulting with one of our representatives, please put down their name.