Thank you for applying to volunteer for Crops and Flops Rescue! And for loving velvet unicorns! Please complete this application as thoroughly as possible to expedite processing. Please only “SUBMIT” once to avoid multiple submissions. You will receive an automated message via email as soon as you submit. We do personally respond to ALL applications within 48 hours, so make sure to check your clutter/junk folders throughout the process!
Note: All required fields* require a response. If it is not applicable, please write in “N/A”.
First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Home Phone*
Cell Phone*
Alt Email*
What is the best phone number to reach you?*
Best Time to Call*
Re-Enter Email*
Facebook Page (if applies)
Instagram Page (if applies)
How did you hear about Crops & Flops Rescue?
Are you interested in volunteering to satisfy a community service requirement? *
How often are you looking to volunteer? *
Why are you interested in volunteering for Crops and Flops Rescue, Inc.?*
Do you have any experience volunteering at an animal shelter or rescue?*
Describe any special skills, training, interests, or hobbies that could relate to our organization. *
Veterinarian's Name and Phone Number: Please supply the name and phone number of your current veterinarian or the one who saw your previous pet(s), and their title identification. If you have never had a vet, please provide the name of your employer or clergyman who can attest to your character. *Please contact your veterinarian to give them permission to speak with us.*
List at least one additional reference and phone number (who is not a family member).*
Additional information you would like to provide about yourself.*