Thank you for your interest in volunteering with Greyhound Adoption League of Texas, Inc. ("GALT"). GALT supports, welcomes, and encourages an active, organized volunteer base of greyhound lovers who share the passion and vision of finding loving, responsible forever homes for greyhounds. Without dedicated, hard-working volunteers we cannot further our mission to adopt out these wonderful dogs.
Volunteers need to be 18 years of age to volunteer without a parent or guardian. 16 and 17 year olds may volunteer if they are accompanied by a parent or guardian. The parent or guardian needs to submit an application and their 16 or 17 year old needs to submit their own application. We are unable to have volunteers under 16 years of age at this time.
If you are seeking community service hours for volunteering with GALT, unfortunately we are unable to sign off on hours for required community service. We would love to have you as a volunteer, however your hours will not qualify for any legally required community service.
Please complete the following application. GALT also provides periodic training for its volunteers. We look forward to working with you and hope you will enjoy your volunteer experience with GALT.
First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Home Phone
Work Phone x
Cell Phone*
Alt Email
May we contact you at work?*
Emergency Contact Name:*
Phone number of emergency contact:*
How did you learn about the Greyhound Adoption League of Texas (GALT)?*
Are you a GALT member? (Membership is not required to volunteer.) * Choose one: Yes No, but I'm interested in becoming a member No, and I'm not interested in becoming a member
Name of your Greyhound(s)/GALT Greyhound?
Which areas of canine management would you like to volunteer for?
If you have a cat or a small dog, would you be willing to help test the greyhounds for their reaction to smaller animals? We have a test process which keeps your cat or small dog safe.
Can you assist with events and fundraisers?
Can you assist with online or administrative activities?
Can you assist with photography needs?
Can you assist with communications or public relations?
Can you help with transportation?
Can you help with one of our committees?
Can you help us with the GALT GreytStore?
Can you assist with adoptions?
What kind of fostering are you interested in?
If you are interested in fostering a GALT greyhound, please fill out our Foster Application.
Prior Volunteer Experience*
Please let us know any connections/experience that could be helpful to GALT. This could include skills you have (examples: sewing, carpentry, dog training, public relations background, etc.) or companies/organizations that you have a connection with that might be willing to assist GALT in some way (examples: donate a service or item for an auction, provide a team of volunteers for a specific event or project for GALT, offer low or no cost service to non-profit groups like GALT, etc.).
Please select any of the following times that you would be likely to volunteer. Check as many options as apply for you. If you have an irregular or unpredictable schedule, please provide additional information in the Availability comment question below.
Please include any comments regarding your availability. For example: I'm retired, I work at a job with unpredictable scheduling, I am available 2-4 hours per month, I'm only available on Saturday mornings, etc.*
Other comments:
By typing/entering my/our name(s) below, I/we affix my/our electronic signature(s) acknowledging that the information supplied herein is true and correct. I/we give Greyhound Adoption League of Texas (GALT), Inc. permission to verify any information contained herein.
By typing/entering my name below, I hereby agree to accept a position as a volunteer with GALT. I understand that my services are rendered to GALT solely in a volunteer capacity without any express or implied promise of monetary compensation. I agree to assume all risks that may be associated with the handling of the greyhounds and the performance of my duties as a volunteer. I further agree to familiarize myself with the policies and procedures of GALT and to comply with all of such policies and procedures. I shall not hold GALT liable or responsible for and shall save and hold GALT harmless from all liability for injury to any person or persons and damages to or loss of property, arising out of or attributed to, directly or indirectly, the performance by me as a volunteer of GALT. I understand that my services as a volunteer with GALT may be terminated at any time by me or by GALT.
Name (counts as signature):*