First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Home Phone
Work Phone x
Cell Phone*
Do you rent or own your own home?* Choose one: own rent
If you rent, landlord's phone number:
Employer name and occupation:*
Work Phone #:*
Work Schedule (check all that apply):
Veterinarian Name (That you have used in the past three years. If you have never used this vet, but plan to use, please type "new" next to name):*
Veterinarian phone #:*
How many children live in the home?* Choose one: none 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
How old are the children (check all that apply):
Do you have a fenced yard? (Note: Lack of a fenced yard does not necessarily preclude adoption.)* Choose one: yes no
Material and height of fence:
Do you have any other pets?* Choose one: yes no
If so, please list pet name, species, sex, age, and whether spayed/neutered.
Please describe the type of canine(s) you are interested in fostering, ie: litters of puppies with or without a mom, larger, smaller, older, special needs (blind, deaf, amputee), etc.: *
Do you currently or have you fostered canines for other organizations?* Choose one: yes no
If "yes," name and location of organization(s):
Where do you plan to keep the canine at night?* Choose one: In a kennel In bathroom or laundry room Free roaming In garage Outside in yard
Do you plan to kennel train?* Choose one: yes no
If you do plan to "kennel train," what is the maximum number of hours on any given day that the canine will be kenneled?
Do you have experience with any of the following? (check all that apply):
I understand that a Canine Compassion Fund representative will visit my home for a home inspection before my foster application is approved. * Choose one: I agree I disagree
I understand that if I am approved for fostering, I will also need to carefully read the “Foster Care Agreement,” which is a separate document from this “Foster Care Application.” The Foster Care Agreement represents the legal contract between a foster caregiver and CCF. I understand that if I am approved to foster an animal, I must review the Foster Care Agreement before I can take my foster animal home. * Choose one: I agree I disagree
I have read this Application in its entirety, and I agree that all statements contained in this document are made by me, and are truthful. I make this statement under penalty of perjury under the laws of the state(s) of Alabama.* Choose one: I agree I disagree
Signature of Applicant (typing your name here acts as signature):*
Date of Signature:*