First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Home Phone
Work Phone x
Cell Phone*
Alt Email
I have read HWMAR's adoption process on their website and understand the next steps and what is required for adoption from HWMAR. For more information go to the home page and click Adoption FAQ under the Adopt tab.
Applicant Age & Occupation (must be over 21 to apply):*
Co-Applicant's Name, Age & Occupation:
If you live with your parents, when you move out what will happen to do the dog?* Choose one: not applicable The dog will move with me The dog will remain with my family
Do you own or lease your current residence?* Choose one: I lease/rent the property I or my significant other owns the property. My family member owns the property
Please provide the NAME, PHONE, & EMAIL of the family member or landlord who owns the property where you reside. Also state if there are any breed or weight restrictions:
Please list the name and age of all household members:*
Have you discussed adopting a dog with all adult household members?* Choose one: Yes! Please process my application NO - I want the dog to be a surprise/gift
How active is your household/how often do you have visitors?* Choose one: Rarely, its very quiet. Occasional visitors. Very active, we have frequent visitors.
Please select the dog you are interested in meeting from the dropdown box. **If the animal you are interested in meeting is not listed, we may not be accepting applications at this time. You will need to reapply once that animal is made available. **We are not accepting general applications at this time.
Please select the primary animal you are interested in meeting. Choose an animal: AMETHYST APPLE CIDER Asher Banjo Blue BLACK OPAL BLOSSOM RUSSO Brittany Ears BROWN BEAR C. CANE Chance-2 Chunk Coop (Cooper) Espresso HARVEST Klondike Krug Liz MARISKA Minga Moxie Nevia OREO Schnitzel SILO Venus Zelena
Are there additional animals you are interested in meeting if your first choice is not available or not a good fit? Choose an animal: AMETHYST APPLE CIDER Asher Banjo Blue BLACK OPAL BLOSSOM RUSSO Brittany Ears BROWN BEAR C. CANE Chance-2 Chunk Coop (Cooper) Espresso HARVEST Klondike Krug Liz MARISKA Minga Moxie Nevia OREO Schnitzel SILO Venus Zelena
If you are applying for a puppy that is part of a litter, are you open to being matched with any of the littermates? Choose one: Female Only Male Only Open to either male or female
After what date are you available to take home a dog? (Please Note: If your take home date is further out than a week, please apply closer to that time).*
Do you understand that Hoof Woof and Meow Rescue makes educated guesses as to the breed and age of dogs that are in our care, but cannot guarantee the actual genetic make-up or exact birth date?* Choose one: yes no
Currently, how many hours a day would the animal be left home alone? Choose one: 0-2 2-4 4-6 7-9 10+
Please describe any accommodations you will make for an adopted puppy or dog while you are at work/away from home. (dog walker, doggy daycare, family member etc.) If you work part or full time from home or have flexibility, please mention that here. *
Please list the name/age/species of all household animals:*
Vet's Name, Phone Number & Address (Please be sure to list phone and address as there are multiple clinics with the same name):*
Please list any additional Vet Information, including other names your animals may be listed under or vaccine clinics you've used that may not be listed at your usual vet office:
Are all household cats/dogs altered? (spayed/neutered)* Choose one: Yes No N/A
Are all of your dogs/cats up to date on their core & rabies vaccines, which is required by law? * Choose one: I currently do not own any dogs/cats Yes, all of my cats and dogs are up to date in accordance with state law No, at least one of my animal is due for rabies and I understand HWMAR cannot approve my application until this is complete
If your household cats/dogs are not current on their rabies vaccines, or are not spayed/neutered, please provide an explanation. Please note, we will not be able to approve your application if you have an unaltered pet for a non-medical reason and/or do not have a reasonable past history of care/vaccinations for your past/current animals.
How much would you expect to spend on vet expenses in an average year?*
Have you owned any pets in the last 5 years who do not currently reside with you? If yes, please explain why they are no longer living with you.
How will the dog be contained in your yard?* Choose one: fully enclosed fence electrical fence tie out Walk on a leash Free Roam
If you have an electrical fence, what is your plan to integrate/train a newly adopted dog to your yard?
What experience do you have with dogs?*
How do you plan on exercising the dog? (how, how often)*
Do you plan to crate train this dog? If yes, please elaborate.*
No matter the age of the dog you are adopting, you will need to continue with training after adoption. What is your training plan?*
If you are no longer able to physically care for the animal for its entire lifetime, what is your plan?* Choose one: We have spoken with a family member who have agreed to take over care We have not yet devised a plan, but are aware we need to prior to adoption We do not have a family member willing to take over care, so we would need to relinquish back to the rescue
Have you adopted from a rescue before?* Choose one: Yes, I have adopted from HWMAR Yes, I have adopted from another rescue No, this is my first rescued dog!
Are you in the process of adopting, or meeting a dog, through another rescue?* Choose one: I have submitted an application with another rescue within the last 10 days I have an appointment to meet another dog No
Where did you first see / meet the animal you are applying for?* Choose one: Social Media In-Housse adoption Event Woofstock Event East Dundee Event Other event/Fundraiser (please indicate where in additional comments at end of form)
Please list a personal reference OTHER THAN an immediate family member. Include name, cell phone number and relationship to you:*
Thank you for taking the time to complete the application! Once the application is submitted correctly you will be receiving an automated email message. We are 100% foster based and do not have a facility to come and view all of our animals. Appointments will be made directly with you and the foster parent if your application is selected to meet the dog you applied for. If there are any additional comments or notes you'd like to add for the adoption team, please do so here. Also, if you met the dog you are applying for at a HWMAR event, please let us know here:
Sign or type electronic signature. PLEASE DO NOT CLICK SUBMIT MORE THAN ONE TIME