2156 Pillsbury #155 ∙ Chico, Ca. 95926 ∙ (530) 895-8888
First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Cell Phone*
Thank you for considering adopting a pet from Wags and Whiskers Pet Rescue. Please understand that adopting a pet is a responsibility. Please do not take it lightly. Please agree to the following terms
Which pet are you interested in adopting?* Choose an animal: ADDIE AGATHA ALMOND Amina ANNAMAE AXIS Baccarat (7968 FELINE) (F) Bacon Bar-S BELOVED BEOWOLF Big Stewie Blaze BLAZEFOOT (F) BOOTHANG (F) Brigsby Buggs Cantina Cash CASHEW CASHMERE 3754 CAVAN 8883 Ceelo Cello Centaur Champa CHANCE Chandra Charlie CHILLY CHIQUITA Choco CLYDE COBBLE-Tri-pod Coco Current Corazon Cottontail CUPCAKE DANO Danyon Darby Demeter 81532 Dolly Dolphin Donna Barkin DOTT DRAKO Duchess DUDLEY ELSAA FAIRY 9235 Felipe Ferdinand Finnley Fish Fran France GALLETTE GEORGIE GIBLET Gidget Goat Goldwing Gorgon Gouda Gunner Harpie HEBE Helen HESTIA HOMER HOOK JESSE J KATE KEEN KENN KIYA Krumm LACEY LALA Lebron Lenny Lenore Leroy LIGHTNING LUCCA Lucy Luna Lagoon Lunabug LYLA Manticore MARY V Match me Maximillion MIKE WAZOWSKI Mini Kit Kat Moo Cow Mopsy Mowgli MUSE Nacho Fries Napoleon Nedd NICKLEBACK NIEVE Nyah OAKLEY Ocean Oni OSEY 8608 Oskar (FIV +) Otter Ozzie Pancake PANTERA Parker PATRICK STAR PEAR 7244 Pearla Pirate PELO Percy PERDITA Persephone 53996 PERSEUS 7975 PIPER Poe Polar Poppy Popsicle Quillion Quimby QUINCY RANDOLPH RED VELVET REECE REESE REGGIE Robert Robots ROCKET J Rojo Roly Rose Rosie ROXIE RUBBLE Salter SANDERS Sandi SASSY Scooter Shadow SHAY SHAY SHINEDOWN Sierra Silver Slushy Smooch SNEAKERS Snoopy Sorbet SPONGE BOB STARBIE STEVEN Stuart Stubbs SUPERMAN SWEETIE Tails TAKUMI TEDE Tilda Trixie TRIXIE KITTY Tucker Tuckerman TYLER Viola Walker Waverly Whale Wilson Zeno
Right to Decline
Wags and Whisker’s Pet Rescue has the right to decline any application for any reason.* Choose one: I Agree
Applicants must be at least 21 years of age or have special consent from a Wags and Whisker’s representative and must provide a valid driver’s license or other government-issued identification.* Choose one: I Agree
Briefly describe yourself, your occupation, and why you want to adopt (mention specific pet if applicable).*
Please enter TWO alternate contacts who we can contact should your pet be found and we are unable to get ahold of you. (Name and number) *
Life is unexpected, if something were to happen to you do you have a plan in place for your pets? Please provide the name and phone number. *
Please list all members of your household with their relationship to you and their age. (include other pets)*
Is everyone in your household fully committed to providing a lifelong, loving home for this pet? This means being responsible for their care, no matter what life throws your way. From daily walks and playtime to vet visits and training, please ensure you're ready to be a dedicated and responsible pet owner. * Choose one: I Agree
Do you own/rent? Is your yard fenced? How will you keep the pet secure?*
Veterinarian's Name
Returns and Refunds
The applicant agrees to notify Wags and Whiskers immediately if the pet on this application needs to be rehomed. Please note that returning a pet may incur a fee to cover costs associated with their care, such as training, medical expenses, and boarding. * Choose one: I Agree
ALL adoption fees are NON-REFUNDABLE. We are a non-profit organization and our adoption fees are what keeps us afloat.* Choose one: I Agree
While Wags and Whisker’s does its best to make breed, size, and age estimates, Wags and Whisker’s cannot make any guarantees about the dog(s) breed, age, or size or temperament.* Choose one: I Agree
Would you give up this pet for any of the following reasons? (Check all that apply)
What traits are you looking for in a pet?
Could you describe what a typical day would look like for the dog in your home? Please include details about daily exercise, socialization, training, mental stimulation, and where the dog will spend most of its time. (indoor/outdoor) *
The applicant agrees to notify Wags and Whiskers immediately if the pet on this application becomes lost.* Choose one: I Agree
The applicant understands and agrees that if the applicant does not comply with, or follow the terms of in this agreement, ownership of the pet on the application shall revert to Wags and Whisker’s Pet Rescue. The applicant agrees to give permission for a Wags and Whisker’s representative to remove the pet from the applicant’s premises. The applicant agrees that this entry shall not constitute a trespass.* Choose one: I Agree
Your newly rescued dog could display some unwanted behaviors at some point down the road. This means you might have to sign up for training courses and spend a considerable amount of money in order to get your dog the help it needs. Are you willing to seek professional training before rehoming or returning a dog?* Choose one: Yes No
I agree to notify Wags and Whiskers if I, along with my veterinarian decide to euthanize my adopted pet for either behavioral or medical reasons within the first 3 years of adoption. * Choose one: I Agree
Should My adoption application be approved and an appointment to meet a dog/cat is scheduled. I understand that participation in the above activities could result in actions that might be dangerous or hazardous to me. I realize that I could be bit or scratched by an animal. When/If participating with children in said activity or event I agree to keep them with me at all times and under my supervision. By submitting this application, I agree to the fact that participation can cause any harm or injury to me. I release Wags and Whiskers and it’s staff from all liability, costs, and damages which could arise from participation in this event or activity. I agree to accept financial responsibility for the costs related to any and all medical treatment and give my confirmation of the same by signing this document. * Choose one: I Agree
returns are subject to space availability. Should you choose to return your Wags and Whiskers dog you might be placed on a waiting list until we have room to take the dog back. This waiting list could be days, weeks, or months long. Do not adopt unless you are willing to be placed on a waiting list if things don't work out. * Choose one: I Agree
Should you need to return your Wags and Whiskers dog you must contact our office at 530-895-8888 and schedule an appointment for the dog to be returned. You cannot give the dog to another rescue or rehome to another individual unless you have authorization from Wags and Whiskers. * Choose one: I Agree
I confirm that all information given in this contract is correct and accurate. I also understand that once the contract is electronically signed AND I have taken possession of the animal, I agree to be solely responsible for any and all harm, damage, or injury inflicted or caused by this dog, to any person, animal, or property, including myself, my animals, and my property. I agree to hold harmless, defend, and indemnify and its representatives from and against any claims, demands, liabilities, injuries, or losses caused by or that arise from any act or omission of this animal or myself. * Choose one: I Agree
All Wags and Whiskers animals come with 14 days of FREE vet care from Chico Pet Vet. If your pet experiences coughing or diarrhea within this period, we will cover any necessary medical care at Chico Pet Vet. For any other health concerns, please get in touch with Chico Pet Vet directly to schedule an appointment at 530.399.3620. Please note that we cannot reimburse you for veterinary care sought at other clinics. * Choose one: I Agree
I understand that this becomes a legal and binding contract once I pay the adoption fee and by my electronic signature agree to all of the terms herein. * Choose one: I Agree
By typing my name below, I acknowledge that everything I have answered above is true.*