First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Cell Phone*
Best way for us to contact you?
If you are interested in a specific dog, select a name from the drop down box. If you are interested in more than one dog, enter their names in the following question. If you are interested in dogs of a specific size, you may select Open Large, Medium, Small or Toy Dog from the drop down menu. Choose an animal: Harley Open - Large Dog Over 60 lbs Open - Medium Dog 26-60 lbs Open - Small Dog 11-25 lbs Open - Toy Dog Under 10 lbs
Are you interested in any other dogs?
What type of home do you live in?
Do you own or rent your home?
Is your yard fenced?
What type of fence do you have?
Ages of all other residents of your household.
Describe any pets currently in your home: age, temperament...
Are you able to walk dog regularly on leash?
How long will the dog be left alone on a daily basis?*
Do you already have a crate or will you need one?
Please list any concerns or specifics regarding the dogs you would be fostering such as size, breed and limitations
Vet Reference - Please supply a vet reference
Veterinarian Name and Phone Number:
List all pets cared for by your vet:
Reference 1: Name, Phone Number, Relationship*
Reference 2: Name, Phone Number, Relationship*
Once we’ve checked your references we will be in touch with you. Thank you again for considering opening your home.
All expenses will be reimbursed by the rescues and we do require you keep in touch with our volunteers and the rescues.
Should you become a “Foster Failure” (and we love them) and would like to keep the dog, please notify the rescue in regards to the adoption application and fees required. Please keep in mind that the rescues have paid to pull the dogs, fully vet them with microchipping, spay/neuter and vaccinations so unfortunately even if you take care of the dog for a month or two it would still not cover the expenses they’ve incurred. Obviously any expenses that you incur would be taken into account. It is REQUIRED that you contact the rescue or instate contact PRIOR to taking the dog to the vet for non emergency related issues.
Homeward Bound CT volunteers will continue to promote the dogs being fostered and if any events are planned you will be notified so we can bring the dogs for adoption.
If you have any additional questions regarding fostering please be sure to discuss them with the rescue you are fostering for.
You will also be required to fill out an actual foster contract with the rescue should you end up fostering for them.
You will only be required to fill out one application with Homeward Bound CT and we will keep it on file until you advise us otherwise.
I understand and agree with all statements above. Please provide an electronic signature.*