At Central Illinois Sheltie Rescue (CISR), we are looking for the best and last home for each of our dogs. We do not feel that “any" home is better than no home. We are only looking for homes that:
If this describes you, please continue below!
Privacy note: This information is for private use by CISR and will never be made public. We do not share or sell your e-mail or other information.
Note: This application will take 20-30 minutes to complete. Please take your time, and make sure you answer each question in detail. This is our first introduction to you, and we are looking for complete, well-thought-out answers. Please make sure you do not miss any questions, and make sure when you hit SUBMIT at the end, it will confirm the app went through. NOTE: IF you leave this application, you will not be able to come back to it, so do not click away from this page until you are finished.
*****Applications that have missing answers will not be processed.
*****Applications with one-word answers, and no insight as to your thoughts, will not be processed.
Please note: If you list one dog as your preference, and that dog gets adopted, we will not contact you. If you list "any dog that needs me" then we will consider you for the dog that best matches your lifestyle.
**** If you live in a single-family home, a fenced yard is required.
First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Home Phone*
Cell Phone*
Please Read and Acknowledge: We get many applications for each dog, and of course, we can only choose one of them. We look over all applications for each dog, and we choose the BEST FIT FOR THE DOG. We do not go by first come first serve. Therefore.... if you are not chosen for a particular dog, it does not mean you were denied or turned down. It simply means that for this particular dog, we found a better match. Please check the little button below to indicate that you understand how our selection process works.*
Which dog are you most interested in?* Choose an animal: Any Dog that needs me Burrito Dante Gracie
Please choose a dog as your 2nd choice. Choose an animal: Any Dog that needs me Burrito Dante Gracie
How many Shelties have you owned in your life?*
Did you read the FULL bio on this dog, and feel you meet all the criteria?
Would you consider adopting 2 dogs if they were bonded?*
If you are approved to adopt one of our dogs, will you agree to come to adopt within 10 days of being approved?
Please list ANY physical limitations that may affect how you lift, walk with, interact with, or care for a dog? *
Are you able to pick up and carry a dog from inside your home - to your car, and then drive the dog to your Vets office.......and then carry him inside the Vet clinic?*
Are you a monthly supporter of CISR? Explain if needed*
What is your date of birth? (mm/dd/yyyy)
If there is a co-applicant, please provide their name and date of birth.
Please list any additional email addresses where we can reach you.
Address of your second, or vacation home
Amount of time spent at second home?
Do you work from home? Or go into an Office? Explain.*
Name of your employer
Position held
Spouse or partner or co-applicant's employer
Does ANYONE in the house smoke inside? Or JUST outside?*
Have you owned a Sheltie before? Choose one: Yes No
Are you aware of how skittish Shelties are with new people, places, and things? Choose one: Yes No
Are you aware that Shelties are not good with small children? Choose one: Yes No
Why do you want to rescue a Sheltie?
Please take some time and describe for us what personality you are looking for in a Rescue Sheltie. The younger the dog, the more training time you will need to provide. Do you want a jogging partner? A TV watching partner? A hiking partner? A dog that will be happy being home alone all day while you are at work? A dog to play with your children/grandchildren? Please take some time on this question.*
Have you adopted a dog from us in the past? Choose one: Yes No
If you have adopted from us in the past, who did you adopt and when? Please list all.
Have you adopted from another rescue group in the past? If yes, tell us about that.
Do you have an application pending with another Rescue or Shelter? If yes, please list name of Rescue. If no, please type N/A
Please list the names, relationships, and ages of everyone living in your home, even part-time.
IF YOU LIVE ALONE, How far away is your closest support person?
Please list the name and contact info of your support person.
What type of dog are you looking for?
Please check ALL that apply to your home.
Please select the type of home you live in Choose one: Apartment Condominium Duplex Live with other Military Housing Mobile Home Other Single Family Townhouse Live with parents
Please check all that apply to the area you live in.
If you chose other, please elaborate.
What is the speed limit of the road on which you live
Do you own or rent your home? Choose one: Rent Own
Are you planning to move in the foreseeable future? Choose one: Yes No
If you do move away from this home, what would you do with this new dog? Choose one: Return it to CISR Try to find it a good home Take it with me Depends on the circumstances Other
If you selected "Other," please elaborate.
How often to you have children under age 10 in your home?*
How will you handle your Sheltie when you have a young child visiting your home?
Is your yard securely fenced on all sides, with a physical fence that has no holes or gaps so that a small animal could not escape? Choose one: Yes No
Does an exit from your home lead DIRECTLY into the fenced yard? Choose one: Yes No Must go through the garage
Your fenced yard covers (please select one)
If your fence does not surround your entire back yard, please explain the space your fence covers
Your fence is (check all that apply)
How tall is your fence at the SHORTEST point?*
If you have additional comments about your fencing, use this area to explain
Do all gates have locks on them to prevent unauthorized entry? Please answer yes or no, or explain if needed.
If you have a picket fence, how many inches gap is there between pickets?
Do you plan on your new dog using this fenced yard as its primary play/potty space? Please explain.
When was the last time you inspected your entire fence for holes or gaps?
Can your current (or prior dogs) be trusted not to run away if allowed to be OFF LEASH? Please explain*
Have your current or prior dogs been trusted to stay near you OFF-LEASH, when outside of your fence.....such as the front yard, or driveway? Please explain*
If you would ever allow this dog to be off it's leash in an unfenced area, please explain under what conditions?
If you were to move from your current home, will you ensure your new home has a securely fenced yard prior to your moving in?
If you do not have a fenced yard, how will this dog be exercised, go for potty breaks, etc.
Do all the adults in your household work outside the home?
How many hours a day will this new dog be home alone?
Where will this dog stay while home alone?
How much time per day are you able to devote to training and interacting with this new dog?
Do you allow dogs to sleep on your bed with you? Choose one: Yes No
Are dogs allowed on your furniture?
Please tell us about your past and present pets.
Please list all of your current Pets. Please use this format: Name | Breed | Weight | Fixed? | Sex | Micro-chipped? | Age now | Date Acquired
Please list of all your PRIOR Pets. Please use this format: Name / Breed /Dates Owned / Cause of death or Rehoming
If any of your present or past pets were not spayed or neutered, please tell us why.
Have you ever bred any of your dogs? If yes, please elaborate.
Have you ever had to give up a pet? If yes, please elaborate.
Have you ever had a pet stolen or lost? If yes, please elaborate.
Have you ever had a pet hit by a car? (If yes, please elaborate.)
Have all your current and past pets been microchipped? (If no, please elaborate.)
What vaccinations do you give your pets and how often?
What is heartworm and how do you prevent it?
How do you protect your pets from fleas and ticks?
How often do you check for tick-borne diseases?
How often do your pets receive a full physical exam from your veterinarian?
What blood tests do you have run at those exams?
Are you aware that Shelties have very high-maintenance teeth? Choose one: Yes No
Are you aware that Shelties need very frequent dental cleanings performed by your vet? Choose one: Yes No
Please explain the Dental Care your current or prior pets received.
If you currently own a Sheltie or other small breed dog, what was the date of it's last dental cleaning?
How often do you have a stool sample checked by your vet for parasites?
What do you plan on feeding your new dog?
Please list your CURRENT veterinarian information (name, address, phone number).
Dates you have used this veterinarian.
Do you give CISR permission to speak to your veterinarian as to the care you give your pets? Choose one: Yes No
Please list your PAST veterinarian information (names, addresses, phone numbers).
Dates you used this veterinarian.
Do you give CISR permission to speak to your past veterinarian as to the care you give your pets? Choose one: Yes No
Please consider each of the following options carefully. This is what we will use in selecting new homes for our dogs.
Do you want to limit your search to a certain color Sheltie?
Do you want to limit your foster dog to a certain age range?
Do you want to limit your search to a certain size Sheltie?
Are you willing to adopt a Sheltie mix? Choose one: Yes No
Are you willing to adopt a Sheltie that needs medication daily? Choose one: Yes No
Are you willing to adopt a Sheltie with special needs (blind, deaf, etc.)? Choose one: Yes No
Are you able to house train a Sheltie that may not yet be house trained? Choose one: Yes No
Are you willing to adopt a VERY shy skittish Sheltie, one that will require much work? Choose one: Yes No
Please describe any quality in a Sheltie that you would NOT be able to work with?
Please check ALL traits that are a MUST from day one. Please be honest and realistic.
Please list any other traits your new dog MUST have.
Please read and acknowledge all of the following facts by selecting that you understand and agree.
Dog ownership carries with it financial responsibilities. The American Kennel Club estimates that it costs, on average, $1,000 - $2000 per year to properly care for a healthy dog. (depending on your area) You are aware of this and can afford to do this. Choose one: I agree
Most Shelties over age 3 need annual dental cleaning's by your Vet. This procedure can cost several hundred dollars – or more if extractions are required – per event. You are aware of this, agree to do this, and can afford to do this. Choose one: I agree
At some point in your dog’s life, just like most people, he/she will require surgery, blood tests, medications, and/or other medical procedures that can be quite costly. Many Veterinary procedures can run into thousands of dollars. You are aware of this, you will agree to this if your dog needs it, and your Vet recommends it. You attest that you can afford to do this. Choose one: I agree
Shelties and Collies can be VERY shy and skittish. They will panic and run away at strange noises or strange people. You must be extra cautious with a Sheltie, that they never get loose, or are able to slip out a door that gets left open. Once on the run, and in panic mode, they will not come to anyone, even an owner. You are aware of this and will take precautions to prevent this.* Choose one: I agree
You will commit to always keeping your new Sheltie on a leash, or in your fenced yard. You will never allow your Sheltie to run loose. Choose one: I agree
Because of a Shelties extreme shyness and skittish nature, if your Sheltie should happen to get loose and run away, it can cost hundreds to thousands of dollars to put up enough posters, take out multiple ads, and offer enough reward money, to recover the dog. The average time it takes to recover a lost Sheltie is 1 - 8 months. CISR requires that if your Sheltie gets loose, you contact CISR immediately and follow CISR's recovery program and instructions. You agree to take these steps should your Sheltie get loose. Choose one: I agree
Shelties are barkers and will react with barking to things like delivery people, the doorbell, etc. You are aware of this and will use only humane methods to train your Sheltie if needed. Choose one: I agree
Shelties are a double-coated breed and they shed once or more per year. To keep their coat and skin in good health, they require regular brushing and nail trims, as well as bathing and grooming as needed. You are aware of this and will be able to provide this care for your Sheltie. Choose one: I agree
Please provide the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of two persons who can speak to the care you have given your present and past pets. Please indicate if either of those persons are family members, and do not include members of your immediate household.
We place our dogs with the expectation that the adoption will be for the life of the dog. Please check any and all of the following circumstances that could cause you to return this dog to CISR.
Please list any other circumstances that might cause you to return this dog to CISR.
Please check below that you understand our fees and costs.
Your adoption fees allow CISR to provide the following services to all dogs in our program:
I understand and agree to the fees and costs of CISR. Choose one: Yes No
Note: If you do not hear back from us, it does not mean that you have been denied, It simply means we do not have a dog that meets all the criteria that you listed in this application.
Please note: Submitting an application to CISR does not commit you to adopting a dog, nor does it mean you are sure to get a dog from us. However, should you adopt a dog from us, this application, and ALL the statements you make in it, will be part of your adoption contract. Statements and/or answers to questions in this application are used in determining the suitability of a dog in your home. Therefore, providing false or misleading information on this application will be cause for terminating any adoption agreement we may make with you.
Please note that we have the right to refuse/reject any application for any reason at any time.
I would like to learn more about volunteering with Central Illinois Sheltie Rescue. Choose one: Yes No