First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Home Phone
Work Phone x
Cell Phone*
Alt Email
Text/Pager Email
Spouse/Partner name and email
Spouse/Partner cell phone
Name of primary dog interested in (please do not submit more than one app for multiple dogs, we can update your app to another dog if the primary dog you listed is no longer available or you can list more dogs in the comment section) * Choose an animal: Abby Beans Berry Biscuits Boo Boo Diamond Echo Eleanor Fairy Frannie Gary Herbie Honey Hunter Jack Kala Lady Larry Levi Monty Nibbler Padma Pluto Sebastian Terry Toast Wade Waffles Walter Willow Woodstock
Gender of animal desired:* Choose one: Male Female Either is fine
What age dog are you interested in adopting (check all that apply):
Are you applying for other dogs within other rescues/shelters/etc at this time? Choose one: Yes No n/a
How serious are you about adoption?*
How did you hear about BFPA?* Choose one: Adoption or Fundraising Event I am a BFPA Volunteer/Foster I am a former BFPA Adopter Friend of a BFPA member Newspaper Other Radio or TV Social Media Veterinarian
Are you employed?* Choose one: Not employed Full time Part time Work at home Retired Undergrad student Graduate student
What is your occupation?*
Is your spouse/partner employed?* Choose one: Yes No n/a
What is your spouse/partner's occupation?
Is anyone home during the day? Or work from home?
Number of children in household or who regularly visit, and their age(s):
If no children now, do you plan them in the future? Choose one: Yes No
List all members of your household as well as their age. Include yourself, children, partner, roommate.*
In what type home do you live?* Choose one: Single Family Home Townhouse Condo Apartment Mobile Home Other
Do you own or rent your home?* Choose one: Own Rent
If you rent, do you have permission from your landlord to get a pet? We must get permission from your landlord since they are the legal owner of the property. Withholding landlord contact information may delay the processing of your application.
May we have your permission to contact your landlord?
If so, what is your landlord's name?
What is your landlord's phone number?
Do you have a fenced backyard?* Choose one: No Yard Unfenced Yard Backyard Partially Fenced Backyard Completely Fenced
What type of fence* Choose one: Privacy Chain Link Invisible N/A
What is the height of the fence*
Are you or anyone in your household a smoker?*
If so, do you smoke in the house?*
Which best describes your street location? (check all that apply):
What is the intended purpose of this dog? (check all that apply):
What qualities/personality traits are you looking for in a dog?*
Who will be the primary caregiver for the dog?*
On average, how many hours per workday will your dog be alone without humans in the house?* Choose one: 0-5 6-9 10 or more
Where will your dog stay while you are away from home? Choose one: Free roam of house Crate Crate at first, free to roam when older Confined to a room/area of the house Basement/garage Outside in fenced yard Outside on chain or tie-out Dog pen Doggie daycare
Where will the dog be when you are at home?*
Where will the dog sleep at night?*
When you travel for business or pleasure, who will care for your dog?*
How will you exercise your dog?*
How often will you exercise your dog?*
Check any of the following reasons you would give your dog away? (check all that apply):
If you or your spouse/partner are no longer able to care for the dog what are your plans for future care of this dog? *
How much responsibility will your children be given in the care of the dog?* Choose one: Total Some Minimal None Not Applicable
How do you plan on training your dog?* Choose one: Will train myself Plan on going to dog classes Bring private behaviorist to home None
What would you do if your dog developed behavioral issues (such as fear of strangers, jumping over the fence, digging in the yard, etc.)?* Choose one: Consult a vet Consult a dog trainer/behaviorist Hope it's just a phase Return the dog to BFPA immediately
How much time are you willing to invest to train your dog/work with a behaviorist if the pet develops behavior issues?* Choose one: As long as it takes to correct the issue A few weeks I don't have time to deal with a dog with issues
If you have no children now, but have children in the future, how would the addition of children affect your view of your dog?* Choose one: Not at all, dog is part of the family If we don't have time will return dog to BFPA If the dog is too energetic around the child, it would have to live outside The children will always come first before any considerations for the dog Not applicable
Estimate the annual cost to own a dog. Account for food, supplies, toys, annual wellness exam (which may include required/recommended tests and vaccinations), monthly flea/tick prevention, required heartworm prevention (dogs) and funds for possible emergencies:*
Use this space for any additional comments about adopting a dog:
Name of Pet#1 (current or past) Please only supply pets that were under your direct care (not family pets you had as a child).
Species (dog, cat, etc) gender (male, female) breed (ie. chihuahua, labrador)
Age of Pet
Is Pet #1 current on vaccinations? Choose one: Yes No n/a
Is pet current on heart worm prevention (if dog)? Choose one: Yes No n/a
Do you purchase HW meds from your vet? Choose one: Yes No n/a
Is current pet spayed or neutered? Choose one: Spayed Neutered
Is pet still living with you? Choose one: Yes No n/a
Where is current pet kept? Choose one: Inside Only Outside Only Inside and Outside
If pet no longer with you, what happened? If deceased, approximately what year did the dog passed away.
Name of Pet #2 (current or past)
What is the age of your current pet?
Is your current pet up to date on vaccinations? Choose one: Yes No n/a
Do you purchase Heartworm preventative from your vet? Choose one: Yes No
Is current pet spayed or neutered? Choose one: Yes No n/a
If pet no longer with you, what happened? If the dog is deceased, please state the year the dog passed away.
Name of Pet#3 (current or past)
Do you purchase Heartworm preventatives from your vet? Choose one: Yes No
If pet no longer with you, what happened? If the dog is deceased, please state approximately when the dog passed away.
If you have pets now, or have had pets in the past, may we contact your veterinarian? NOTE: Many vets now require owner's permission to disclose vet history. Please contact your vet to tell them a representative from BFPA will be calling for this history so that the processing of your application will not be delayed. All current pets in your household must be sterilized, current on all shots/heartworm preventative and primarily indoor companions. If you currently own a dog, you MUST be able to provide proof of purchase for monthly heartworm medicine if you do not purchase directly from your veterinarian.
Name of Vet Practice (REQUIRED if you listed any pets above, if multiple vets are used, please list ALL vets for each animal):
Veterinarian's Phone number (please include even if prior animals have passed) :
Have you ever relinquished a pet, sold a pet or taken a pet to an animal shelter?*
If yes, what were the circumstances?
List 3 personal references (only one relative) along with their email address. Please DO NOT list phone numbers since we ONLY accept email addresses. *
I am prepared to make a 10 to 15 year commitment to this dog:*
I will take my dog annually to a veterinarian for a wellness exam and recommended tests/vaccinations:*
I will keep my dog on regular flea and tick control:*
I will give my dog monthly heartworm preventative:*
I agree that my dog will be a family member. Therefore, a BFPA dog I adopt will live primarily indoors. I also agree never to chain, tie-up or kennel/pen this dog and leave it outside:*
I agree to allow a BFPA volunteer to visit my home for a pre-adoption visit and a follow-up visit after the adoption:*
If I adopt a BFPA dog and it does not work out in the future, I agree to return the dog only to Best Friend Pet Adoption and not give the dog away, take the dog to a shelter or sell the dog to a third party:*
I understand that BFPA will spay/neuter puppies at 5-6 months of age, with the ONLY exception being a veterinarian-confirmed medical condition that requires delaying the procedure.*
I am at least 21 years of age. All of the information I have given is true and complete. Any misrepresentation of the truth in this application will invalidate any subsequent adoption agreement and will give BFPA the right to reclaim the adopted animal without refund of the adoption fee. Submission of this online application constitutes agreement and acknowledgement by the adopter of BFPA's policies and terms of adoption. Because BFPA is trying to find the best match for our animals, we reserve the right to turn down any potential adopter -- without explanation -- based on this application, phone interviews and/or homechecks.*