First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Home Phone
Cell Phone*
Alt Email
What is your age? *
What is your preferred pronoun?
What is your occupation and employer?*
What are you looking to adopt at this time?
Is there a specific cat(s) that you are interested in adopting? If yes, please provide their names in order of your preference!
Tell us the NAME of the rescuer fostering the cat(s) - check the online listing or ask which rescuer is hosting the adoption event. The rescuer will receive your application right away!
Please tell us why you have chosen this particular cat(s). If you did not choose a particular cat, tell us a bit about what you might be looking for.*
On average, how many hours a day will the cat be alone (weekdays and weekends)?*
When no one is home, where will the cat be kept?*
On average, how often do you travel, and for how long?*
When you travel, who will care for your cat while you are gone?*
What are your expectations regarding the lifespan of a cat? For how long are you ready to commit to care for the adopted cat?*
Will you have a backup plan for your animals in case something happens to you? Will a friend, relative or colleague be able to take over the care for the cat(s)? Please share your proposed plan and the contact information for that individual.*
Do you plan to declaw your cat? If you’re unsure what it is, please Google it (not to be confused with nail trimming).*
How do you plan to address behavioral or training issues with your cat, should they arise?*
In what situation would you consider returning a cat?
Are there any specific concerns or questions you have about cat ownership that you would like to address?
In what type of home do you live?*
What size home do you have?*
Do you own or rent your home?*
For renters: Have you confirmed that your lease permits the total number of pets you will have in your home?*
For renters: What is your landlord's name and phone number? (Owners: Please type N/A for this question.)*
How many adults and children live in your home? How are they related to you?*
Who will be responsible for the care and expense of the cat?*
Is anyone allergic to cats in your home?*
Do all windows in your home have screens and do all patio/balconies have screen doors? (Please note: we will check this during our home visit; falls from windows are a major cause of injury and death in cats, and can also result in them getting lost or hit by a car)*
Will the cat have outside access? (E.g., in the backyard, patio, or balcony; with or without a leash, other, or indoor-only?)*
What is your current employment situation? (e.g., full-time, part-time, student)*
List your occupation, employer name and number of years at your current job. If self-employed, please be very detailed. If you recently started a new job, please provide additional information.*
If you are a student, retired, or not currently employed, please explain how you will be able to afford the costs of keeping the pet healthy including vetting or other expenses*
Cats should receive wellness checks from a vet every 1-3 years, while young (<2 years) and senior (8 years and older) cats should have vet visits annually, even if no health concerns are present, and even indoor cats need to be kept updated on their core vaccines. Standard vet visits can cost up to $300, based on the services needed. Does your budget allow for the cost of maintaining a pet(s) and are you able to manage vet expenses?*
Emergency vet care (for example, a cat eating something poisonous, an injury, or a sudden illness) can easily cost several thousand dollars. Do you have a contingency plan for these situations? Are you planning on purchasing pet insurance for your cat?*
Do you currently have pets? Tell us about all pets currently in the household (cat/dog/etc., name, age, personality, energy level)*
Are your current pets spayed/neutered? If not, why?*
Are your current cats declawed? (If yes, please explain)*
Are your pets up-to-date on vaccinations?
When was your pet(s) last seen by your vet? (Month/year)
Please provide the name of the veterinarian practice and office number. If your pets have seen multiple vets, please provide contact information for each vet. (If the name on the vet account does not match the name on this application, please provide this information too!)
Have you had pets in the past? If yes, please describe when you had them and why they are no longer living with you (for example, childhood pets, roommates’ pets, recently deceased pet, etc.)*
If the pet passed away within the last five years, please explain the cause of death and provide the name and contact info of their vet*
Have you ever had to give up a pet? If yes, why and where did you bring them?*
REFERENCE 1: Please share a personal reference who does NOT live with you (name, relationship to you, phone number)*
REFERENCE 2: Please list the contact information for a reference unrelated to your first reference who knows you in a different setting, i.e. in a professional context. (name, relationship to you, phone number)*
Would you be comfortable with a home visit via video with a trusted volunteer to verify the safety of your home?*
How did you learn about us?
Have you met other cats in your search yet?
Enter your name and date below. I certify that the information entered on this application is true, and that I am ready to welcome home my new family member(s) within one week of approval. (BAA does not have dedicated shelter space to hold pets for longer periods). *