Puppy Addendum

Thank you for considering bringing a puppy into your home.  Puppies are adorable but a lot of work.  We ask that all potential adopters complete this form for all puppies under the age of 6 months.  Please understand that if you do not agree with something that's okay as the rescues makes the final decisions.  All family dynamics are different so please understand that this is a boiler plate form but not set in stone. 

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Puppies are work … they are like having a small child that will need continued training and positive reinforcement in order to become the best dog that they can be as they do not come “trained”. This means that a puppy will poop and pee whenever it needs to go … the younger the pup, the more the poop and pee. Puppies cannot “hold” these functions for more than a certain period of time, no more than a baby can hold theirs and like babies, do best on a regular schedule that teaches them that there are times to eat, times to play and times to do their business. Generally speaking, a puppy can control their bladder one hour for every month of age … so if a puppy is two months old, the puppy can usually hold it for about two hours and should not be expected to go longer than this between bathroom breaks or they’re guaranteed to have an accident. For this reason an adopter(s) must be committed to the continued housebreaking training needed in order for the puppy to become the best that he/she can be.

I understand and agree that either myself or someone of an appropriate age and responsibility will insure that my puppy will not be left alone for more than 4 hours each day in order to continue housebreaking training for my puppy.
